"A different language is a different vision of life."
(Federico Fellini)

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Some examples of School Reports...

Here you have some examples of school reports from the BBC webpage:

You can get further information on the BBC School Report webpage:


Final Step: Broadcasting

Broadcasting. Steps:

1. Broadcasting is the final stage of the news process, where you share your stories with the audience.

2. This is a running order, with your best story at the top of the bulletin and perhaps a lighter story at the end.

3. We will share our news in front of the class and we will post the video on our webpage!

4. Making news is a big challenge but the important thing is...to have fun and practise English! Enjoy!

Step 3: Report

Reporting Events. Steps:

1. Immerse yourself in the detail – the facts, the figures, the key individuals involved. You need to know all this information inside-out so it comes naturally when you are reporting on the event. It’s better to have too much to say than not enough

2. Try to find something that you are passionate about and interested in and think about how you could get to go to it. Who could you speak to arrange it?

3. Be as descriptive as possible with your language. Imagine your mum sat at home and trying to explain the event to her in as much detail as possible.

Step 2: Writing News

Writing News. Steps:

1. Once you’ve got all your facts and material, it’s time to start writing your reports. You will also need to write a script, which will be read aloud possibly alongside pictures or audio clips.

2. Before you start writing, ask yourself: what is the main point of this story?If you’re not sure, tell it to a friend – what’s the first thing you say to them? That’s a good guide to the most interesting part of a story and will probably be the start of your story.

3. Be clear, concise and correct! (I will help with that, since you will have to send me a draft of your news script before broadcasting so that I can give you some advices or correct any possible mistakes)

Step 1: Gathering News

Gathering News. Steps:

1. Behind the scenes journalists spend a lot of time working out what stories to cover and where to find the stories.

2. Stories come from all kinds of sources: other journalists, newspapers, news websites, from your audience, social media, tip-offs from contacts, press releases, official websites, expert opinions and witnesses.

3. Get opinions from friends or members of the public for your report, b
ut check your sources and only use them if you trust them.

4. Remember that truth and accuracy are essential!

Steps for our final project

Get into groups of 5 in order to prepare your School News Report:
  • 2 members will present the General news.
  • 2 members will do the Sports Section.
  • 1 member will do the Weather Forecast Section.
Have a look at the following steps from the BBC School News Report webpage:

First Step: What is news?

1. Working in news is exciting, but challenging: we have to make our deadlines and ensure we get our stories right every time.

2. Think about what actually makes something news – it needs to be something new, and it must mean something to your audience, so something they need to know or want to know.

3. Stories can be about your school, the area where you live, the UK or even international.

4. Why not hold an editorial meeting – like we do at the BBC – to decide what stories to cover? (We will be doing this in class!)

Final Project: A News Report

For our final project we will simulate and film our School News Report. 

To start with...have a look at the BBC News School Report Video to have an idea of what I expect from you!


London Underground 150th anniversary

Did you know that the London tube was the first world's railway underground?

This January 2013, London celebrates the 150th anniversary of the first underground passanger journey, which operated between Paddington and Farringdon. A series of commemoration acts will take place on some of the best know stations and they will even recreate the first passanger journey with a steam locomotive.

Have a look at its evolution and tell us in which ways do you think it has changed and made our lives easier.

(Refugees at an underground station during the Second World War)

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Spanglish Music

Did you know that 'Spanglish Music' exist?
Have a look at these clips. Can you find the spanglish expressions? Can you think of any other song?

Roberto García. My opinion on Spanglish

Although some people see Spanglish as a sign of cultural diversity, I think it is a mistake to use hybrid languages. I think it is better to preserve both languages and try to speak English and Spanish.

I have been in Mexico three years ago and you could find many Spanglish expressions in advertisements or posts and I think these kind of things damage both cultures.
In the case of Spain we have several dialects which are official, but if everyone spoke a mix of Galician and Spanish, for example, we would loose both languages and cultures and get a mixture of them.

To conclude, I think that cultural diversity is important but we should also preserve our traditions and languages.

Here you can see some advertisements I found in Spanglish:

Spanglish Movie

During our following sessions in class we are going to watch the film: Spanglish.
Have a look at the trailer and tell us what do you think will happen. Will she manage to speak English, or will everyone end up speaking Spanglish?


In which city can you read signs like 'Aparca your car aquí' or 'Cuidado con los pickpockets?'

1.2 million Hispanics live in the Big Apple and one in five New Yorkers speaks Spanish at home. In the last ten years, the Hispanic population has grown by 400.000. The whole city is learning Spanish like crazy, from businessmen to schoolchildren.

There is a new language, SPANGLISH, a strange mixture of Spanish and English which is invading the city. The New York Times recently said that it had become the city's third official language. Its use is colloquial and often limited to short sentences and signs. Many New Yorkers now wear socketines on their feet, drop something on the carpeta, shop for grocerias and have cornfley ('cornflakes') for breakfast.

Norma Rodríguez, a 45-year-old Cuban living in Washington Heights, says it forms a part of her life now: 'Sometimes, you don't realize that you're mixing the two languages. You just hear then both all the time and find that you're inventing new words.' Other people, however, are fighting against this new street language. Businessman Juan Cortés sees it as a sign that the Spanish language is being destroyed. 'It's difficult, but I try not to speak it - it feels vulgar to me.'

Meanwhile, a surprising number of academics have spoken in favour of Spanglish. José María Ruiz, from NY State University, even runs courses in Spanglish and has written a dictionary. 'It is a dialogue between two languages and cultures. We have to accept that languages change and evolve. The only languages that never change are dead ones.'

  • Are you in favour or against hybrid languages such as Spanglish?
  • Can you think of any other expression which is often used in Spanglish?
  • Are there any regions in your country where two languages are spoken? Do the two languages get confused?

Monday, January 21, 2013

Roberto García: What doesn't kill you makes you stronger

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger...

"That which does not kill us makes us stronger" was said by Friedrich Nietzsche. I have chosen this saying because we have the same one in Spanish and I agree with it. 
It basically means that your hard experiences throughout life make you tough. For example, four years ago I was in London on a summer course and I got lost in the airport. My flight was leaving in half and hour and I still had to find the check-in section and pass the control. My English was really bad but, in the end, I managed to asked a lady in English and she showed me the way. It was really hard and embarrasing for me at first, but now I am no longer shy when asking to someone in English.

Here you have a song about this saying by Kelly Clarkson:

Sunday, January 20, 2013

The early bird catches the worm...

Hello guys! How was your weekend?
Have you noticed the 'Saying of the Day' Section in the right-hand side of the blog? I want you to pick one of the sayings of the day or think about one you know youself and make a post about it. You can tell us if you can find any similar saying in Spanish or tell us if you agree or disagree with it. You can also include a story to illustrate it, so that the rest of the students can understand its meaning without the need to translate it.

Here is mine!

The early bird catches the worm...

The early bird may catch the worm - but people who lie around in bed in the morning and work into the evening are more intelligent, according to Richard Roberts of the University of Sydney. The scientists asked 400 volunteers to fill in questionnaires to work out if they considered themselves early-rising 'morning types' or late-working 'evening types'. Each was subjected to mental agility and memory tests. The researches discovered that the 'evening types' had significant better mental speed and memory. The results indicate that, contrary to conventional folk wisdom, evening types are more likely to have higher intelligence scores, 'Roberts told The Sunday Telegraph. He also suggested that the link betweeen intelligence and working late may be a hang-over from prehistoric times, when those who were still alert after dark would be more likely to survive attacks by nocturnal predators.

If you have any doubts with the vocabulary, have a look at the dictionary section of our blog! 

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Lance Armstrong & Oprah Winfrey: cyclist questions punishment (Roberto García)

Lance Armstrong & Oprah Winfrey: cyclist questions punishment

I have been a fan of Lance Armstrong for many years and I think that the last news about his dopping have damaged the world of cycling and sports in general.

In his interview with Oprah Winfrey, he said that he deserved to be punished, but that he was not sure that he deserved a death penalty, it is, that he deserved being banned from the world of cycling forever.
One of the hardest parts was when he talked about the impact all that had on his family. He told Oprah that he felt “disgraced, humbled and ashamed" by his actions, but he did not seem affected at all when he was talking. That is why, in my opinion, he is doing a marketing campaign in order to gain fame for something which is dishonorable and which, as I have said, damages the image of many other sportsmen.

Here you have a summery of the interview!

Grammar. Reported Speech

Have a look at the following "reported speech section" which might help you with your personal opinions on the news.

You can find out more information at: http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/grammar-reference/reported-speech-1

If you have any doubts just ask me in class!


PAST SIMPLE                           PAST CONTINUOUS
PAST PERFECT                        PAST PERFECT
WILL                                          WOULD
CAN                                            COULD
I AM GOING TO                      I WAS GOING TO
MUST                                         HAD TO


We often use say to report what somebody said:
           He said (that) he was going to win.

If there is an object (a noun or a pronoun), say must be followed by to:
           He said to me (that) he was going to win.

When we use tell to report what someone said, it is always followed by an object without to:
           He told them (that) he was going to win.

We often use other reporting verbs instead of say and tell:
           He answered that...
           He replied that... 
           He informed me that...
           He asserts that...
           He claims that...
           He suggests that...


TODAY                      THAT DAY
NOW                          THEN
HERE                         THERE
THIS                           THAT

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Breaking News - Your personal opinion

Hello everyone!
How was your weekend? 
Have you noticed the new 'BBC Breaking News' section at the right-hand side of the blog? From now onwards I want to you pick one of the pieces of news which appear there, read it and comment on it (what is it about, if you agree or disagree, etc.) As always, it is a good idea if you could include clips or images in your posts.

Here are some tips for a better writing of your compositions:

Four steps to better writing:
1. Preparing and gathering information
Give yourself a time limit to brainstorm all the topics you might include, and to check information. Make brief notes by each topic. Get as much information as you can on paper (a quick search on the Internet may help you here). Don't worry too much about the organisation of your ideas at this point - you can always change things later.

2. Structuring
Think about the order in which you will present the information. If possible, check with another student or your teacher to see if they think your order is clear and logical.

3. First draft and feedback
Write a first draft, giving yourself a time limit to complete the text. Show your first draft to another student or your teacher. Ask them to tell you about things that are unclear, or if there are any important mistakes (I will do that after you post your entries, but any student can give his/her opinion too!). Read the draft yourself. Are there any better words or phrases you could use to express you ideas?)

4. Final draft
Use the feedback to prepare the final draft. then proofread your work (check it for simple errors, spelling mistakes, etc.). If you're happy with what you have written, you have finished!)

This tips are also useful for our class composition exercises.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Roberto Garcia's Gap Year

If I had the opportunity of having a gap year I would go backpacking in Australia and see how life is in this exciting part of the world. I would visit some of its most interesting cities, such as Sydney and practice surf in its wonderful beaches. I would also like to try scuba-diving there, since it is said to be one of the best destinations for doing so.

I have found an interesting webpage with interesting offers about ideas for your gap year. They also give you advice, show you photos of other students and they even offer you the possibility of finding you a travel mate. I think it is quite interesting:


Gap Year...

Teachers and students agree that a gap year is a unique experience that can change your life forever. Gap years usually begin when a student finishes school in June and last until they start higher education in October of the following year. Prince William's decision to have a gap year in Patagonia was typical of young people in the UK - they take a break from studying and see some of the world before going on to university or college. It's an opportunity to enjoy a bit of adventure, travel, maybe gain some work experience or spend some time helping other people.

What do you think of gap years? What would you do if you could have one? (Remeber to use the conditionals!)
Have a look at this funny clip which gives you advice on your gap year...

Friday, January 4, 2013

If I were...

Hi guys, this is Roberto García again, I am here to tell you all what I would do if I were .....

A Girl. If I were a girl I would go out shopping. Now that is a moment to buy cheap and find good sales I would go out shopping and try to find out what is that they find so interesting on doing so. No, it was a bad joke! If would like to be a Bird, just to now how is flying and feeling free.

If I were...

Have a look at this song by Beyonce.

What would you do if you were....? Share your ideas with your mates in a new entry. You can add pictures, videos...whatever you can think of to make it more interesting!

What do you think of mine? 

Second Conditional in the Big Bang Theory

There are hundreds of sitcoms and films in which you can find real examples of the used of conditionals, especially the Second Conditional. 
Have you ever watched the Big Bang Theory? Can you think of any other example?

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Unit One. Second Conditional

We have been working in class with the Conditionals. Here you have a brief summery of it as promised!:

Zero Conditional:

If + Present tense + Present tense

If you're in love, nothing else matters.
Nothing else matters if you are in love.

First Conditional:

If + Present tesne + Future tense

If you leave me, I'll die of a broken heart.
I'll die of a broken heart if you leave me.

Second Conditional:

If + Past tense + Would + Verb

If you left me, I would die of a broken heart.
I would die of a broken heart if you left me.

Third Conditional:

If + Past Perfect tense + would have

If you had left me, I would have died of a broken heart.
I would have died of a broken heart if you had left me.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Roberto Garcia New Year's Resolutions

I think Sarah's answer will be yes! why not?

As regards my New Year's Resolutions... I think they are quite useless because people start doing things at the beginning of the year and then they stop doing them after a month or so, such as smoking or loosing weight. Therefore, I think it is better to be constant all year round; you don't need to start in January.
I would like to start preparing my exams and subjects earlier, since I always start studying a month before the exams! But I think that with the help of our English Corner it would be easier and funnier.

New Year's Resolutions

 A New Year's resolution is a commitment a person makes to one or more personal goals, projects, or the reforming of a habit.

Listen to the following clip about New Year's Resolutions and discuss with your partners what do you think Sarah's answer would be. 

The video is taken from the British Council webpage. You will find some extra activities in the following link in case you need to improve your listening skills. Don't worry if you don't get everything, I just want you to get the main idea and develop your own point of view from that.

After this, I want you to create a new enttry in which you will have to write a little writing exercise telling your mates about your New Year's resolutions. (90 words approximately).

These are mine!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Roberto García

I don't agree at all with the part of the things we can find in internet because in most of the webpages you have the option to translate it into your own language.

However, I think that the part of travelling around the world and communicating with people is very important and it is one of the things why I learn English.

I think the video is very nice and easy because their English is very clear.
The hardest part of English for me is the irregular past verbs and the phrasal verbs and the most interesting part is the vocabulary!

Why should we learn English?

Watch this video made by English students about the reasons why we should learn this language and answer the following questions:

  • Did you find it interesting? Do you agree or disagree with some of their reasons?
  • Have you understand the overall meaning of the clip?
  • What are your reasons for learning English?
  • What is the thing you like the most about English? and what is the hardest part of it?

New Twitter Account!

For those of you you have a twitter account, I have created a twitter for our English blog. I will post a new tweet everytime there is something new in the blog. You can also participate on it making comments about anything you find interesting!


Monday, December 17, 2012

Roberto García, my little presentation

Hello everyone, My name is Roberto García. I am a 25 years old and I am from Spain. I was born in the marvellous city of Santander in which I currently live. My favourite music groups are: The wombats, The tin thing or The Strokes. Here you have one of my favourite songs!

 I also enjoy a lot doing sports, especially skiing, football and tennis.

I love travelling too, as an example, my favourtie place in the world, apart from Santander, is Japan. I lived there during a year a few years ago and it is a wonderful city. Here you have a picture I take when I was in Tokyo:

See you in class!


Hello everyone!
For our first activity in the blog I want you to make a little presentation of yourselves so that you can get to know each other. I want you to tell me general information about yourselves (place of birth, age, where do you live, your interests and hobbies...) It would be a good idea if you could post some photos about yourselves or your friends and family. You can even make a video at your Youtube channel and post it!

The teacher's presentation

Hello everyone!
My name is Paola and I'm your English teacher this course. I have created this blog as a space where we can share anything we find interesting about the english culture and language. You are more than welcome to participate in here and I hope you find it a great way of communicating with your mates in English!

Here you have a little video from the place I was born in: Cudillero

Hello everyone and welcome to our English Corner!

Every week I will post four activities based on listening, reading, writing and comprehension  so that every student can make his/her contribution to the blog.

You will also find here many useful links for the learning of English, including dictionaries, daily quotes, news, etc.

In order to publish a comment or participate in any of the activities in the blog you MUST create a google account so that I can see who you are everytime you post something. You can create your google account at: 


I am looking forward to read your contributions!