"A different language is a different vision of life."
(Federico Fellini)

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Lance Armstrong & Oprah Winfrey: cyclist questions punishment (Roberto García)

Lance Armstrong & Oprah Winfrey: cyclist questions punishment

I have been a fan of Lance Armstrong for many years and I think that the last news about his dopping have damaged the world of cycling and sports in general.

In his interview with Oprah Winfrey, he said that he deserved to be punished, but that he was not sure that he deserved a death penalty, it is, that he deserved being banned from the world of cycling forever.
One of the hardest parts was when he talked about the impact all that had on his family. He told Oprah that he felt “disgraced, humbled and ashamed" by his actions, but he did not seem affected at all when he was talking. That is why, in my opinion, he is doing a marketing campaign in order to gain fame for something which is dishonorable and which, as I have said, damages the image of many other sportsmen.

Here you have a summery of the interview!

1 comment:

  1. Great job Roberto! and thank you for adding the video with the subtitles so that every student can have a quick look at what the information is about.
    Your personal opinion writing was really nice, but maybe next time you should have a look at your structure because I miss a conclusion there. Apart from that, it was an excellent work. Thank you for your contribution and remember to post your opinion on another piece of news for next week as always!


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