"A different language is a different vision of life."
(Federico Fellini)

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Roberto García. My opinion on Spanglish

Although some people see Spanglish as a sign of cultural diversity, I think it is a mistake to use hybrid languages. I think it is better to preserve both languages and try to speak English and Spanish.

I have been in Mexico three years ago and you could find many Spanglish expressions in advertisements or posts and I think these kind of things damage both cultures.
In the case of Spain we have several dialects which are official, but if everyone spoke a mix of Galician and Spanish, for example, we would loose both languages and cultures and get a mixture of them.

To conclude, I think that cultural diversity is important but we should also preserve our traditions and languages.

Here you can see some advertisements I found in Spanglish:

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